GIFT Cloud maintenance on Nov 20th starting at 6am EST
This is a reminder about the GIFT Cloud server maintenance tomorrow morning. Please plan accordingly.
Added by Hoffman, Michael about 4 years ago
This is a reminder about the GIFT Cloud server maintenance tomorrow morning. Please plan accordingly.
Added by Hoffman, Michael about 4 years ago
The GIFT Cloud server requires an update that will force us to disable all logins for a few hours on the morning of November 20th, 2020 starting at 6am EST. Please plan accordingly.
Once the server is back online another news item will be posted.
Added by Burmester, Elyse over 4 years ago
The 8th Annual GIFT Users Symposium papers, presentations and virtual meeting recordings are now live on and YouTube!
You can now access all of the briefings, along with the proceedings, here:
The virtual meeting recordings can be found on the GIFT YouTube page using the following links:
Day 1 Part I - GIFTSym8
Day 1 Part II - GIFTSym8
Day 2 - GIFTSym8
Added by Brawner, Keith over 4 years ago
Download GIFT 2020-1 directly here:
Free GIFT Account registration required to download GIFT; GIFT is available at no cost.
GIFT Cloud updates will still be deployed regularly, of course. This release features:
- TEAM tutoring, with multiple players, lobby system, and...
- Human observer tool (Game Master) for individuals and teams
- Integration with the VR Engage training application
- Manual branching for experiments
- New courses, DKF conditions, validated surveys,
- And more!
Added by Goldberg, Ben over 4 years ago
GIFTSYM8 Day 1 is a wrap! Thanks to the 85+ who participated throughout the day. The proceedings are now available at the following link:
Please share with anyone and everyone!
We are excited to continue with our briefings tomorrow morning. Day Two (2) will only be a half-day (0830-1215), so make sure to check the attached agenda for presentation times. All times are Eastern Daylight-Saving Time (EDT). The primary theme for tomorrow revolves around Team-Based Intelligent Tutoring and Synthetic Training Environments. Use the below link to join in the fun!!
We look forward to an excellent Day Two!
Your GIFTsym8 Program Committee
(please direct questions to
Added by Goldberg, Ben over 4 years ago
Hello GIFT Community!
Our Annual GIFT Users Symposium (GIFTSYM8) is just two days away. The event will be held on Microsoft Teams across. If you haven't already done so, please register at the following link (GIFTSYM8 is free of charge!):
For a copy of the latest agenda, you can download the attachment in this news post or from this link:
All times referenced are Eastern Daylight-Savings Time (EDT) in the United States. If you have any questions, send emails to
See you Thursday morning!
Your GIFTSYM8 Committee
Added by Goldberg, Ben over 4 years ago
Hello all!
We have made some slight modifications to the agenda for GIFTSYM8. Please see the attachment in this News Announcement for the latest version.
We're looking forward to engaging with everyone next Thursday morning!
Your GIFTSYM Program Committee
Added by Goldberg, Ben over 4 years ago
GIFTSYM8 (Virtual Edition) is a go!!
Please mark your calendars -- GIFTSYM8 will take place on MICROSOFT TEAMS Thursday, 28 May (8:30am - 5pm) and Friday, 29 May (8:30am - 12:15pm) 2020!
The preliminary agenda is now available (see attachment in this News Item)!
While COVID-19 prevents us from being able to enjoy each others' company in person, we're excited by the opportunity to engage with you all virtually. The event will be FREE OF CHARGE, but we do request you register at the following link:
We look forward to an excellent event! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Your GIFTSYM8 Program Committee
(Please direct questions to
Added by Goldberg, Ben over 4 years ago
GIFTSYM8 (Virtual Edition) is a go!!
Please mark your calendars -- GIFTSYM8 will take place Thursday, 28 May (8:45am - 5pm) and Friday, 29 May (8:45am - 12pm) 2020!
While COVID-19 prevents us from being able to enjoy each others' company in person, we're excited by the opportunity to engage with you all virtually. The event will be FREE OF CHARGE, but we do request you register at the following link:
More to Follow: Webconference Link/Details and FINAL AGENDA will be made available two (2) weeks before GIFTSYM8. Also, please share this announcement with anyone and everyone who may be interested!
We look forward to an excellent event!
Your GIFTSYM8 Program Committee
(Please direct questions to
Added by Burmester, Elyse almost 5 years ago
While the current dates for GIFTSym8 are still 27-29 May 2020, we are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and the potential impact on those dates. Due to uncertainty surrounding travel restrictions and rules for large gatherings in the coming months, we are exploring alternative means for hosting this event virtually. This will include identifying engaging methods for delivering a presentation and promoting conversation during and after. More details will be provided in the coming week.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out directly to Ben Goldberg at We appreciate your support. We couldn't do this without you!
Please stay safe and healthy!
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