



GIFTSYM 9: Just 5 Days Away!

Added by Goldberg, Ben almost 4 years ago

GIFTSYM9 (Virtual) will take place in just five (5) days from now!

18 Briefings on current and innovative work utilizing the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) will take place over one and a half days.

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, 26 May (8:30am - 5pm Eastern US) and Thursday, 27 May (8:30am - 1pm Eastern US) 2021!

The agenda is included as an attachment to this news item! Please visit this link to obtain a copy...


+1 571-388-3904 United States, Arlington
Phone Conference ID: 810 303 357#


+1 571-388-3904 United States, Arlington
Phone Conference ID: 421 099 919#

The event will be FREE OF CHARGE, but we do request you register at the following link:

We look forward to an excellent event! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Also, please share this announcement with anyone and everyone who may be interested!

Your GIFTSYM9 Program Committee
(Please direct questions to )

GIFTSYM9 (Virtual) Agenda and Logistics

Added by Burmester, Elyse almost 4 years ago

GIFTSYM9 (Virtual) is a go!!

Please mark your calendars -- GIFTSYM9 will take place on MICROSOFT TEAMS Wednesday, 26 May (8:30am - 5pm Eastern US) and Thursday, 27 May (8:30am - 1pm Eastern US) 2021!

The preliminary agenda is now available (see attachment in this News Item)!

+1 571-388-3904 United States, Arlington
Phone Conference ID: 810 303 357#

+1 571-388-3904 United States, Arlington
Phone Conference ID: 421 099 919#

The event will be FREE OF CHARGE, but we do request you register at the following link:

We look forward to an excellent event! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Also, please share this announcement with anyone and everyone who may be interested!

Your GIFTSYM9 Program Committee
(Please direct questions to )

Team Tutoring Workshop Deadline Extension (AIED 2021)

Added by Sinatra, Anne almost 4 years ago

There has been an abstract submission deadline extension for our Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) 2021 Conference VIRTUAL Workshop titled "Challenges and Advances in Team Tutoring"!

800 word abstracts are now due on Thursday, May 6th, 2021.

We invite workshop paper submissions about the topics of Team Tutoring and Collaborative Learning.

The full call for papers and submission information can be found at:

The goals of this VIRTUAL AIED 2021 workshop include providing a forum for researchers to discuss the progress that they have made in team or collaborative tutoring, discuss the approaches that they have taken, the challenges that they have encountered, and/or present theoretical models on innovative methodologies to address future work on team or collaborative tutoring.

Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to a journal or conference.
Reviews and acceptances will be based on extended abstracts, which are 800 words.
Full papers are between 5 to 10 pages in Springer LNCS format.
Proceedings papers are planned to be published online at
Both empirical and theoretical papers with topics related to team tutoring and computer-based collaborative learning are welcome.

Important Dates
May 6th, 2021: Extended Abstract submission (800 words)
May 13th, 2021: Acceptance Notification
June 4th, 2021: Camera Ready Paper Deadline (5 to 10 pages in Springer LNCS format)
June 14th or 15th, 2021: AIED 2021 Conference; Workshop is expected to be scheduled for June 14th or 15th

If there are any questions, please contact the workshop co-chairs: Anne Sinatra (), Benjamin Goldberg () and Jeanine DeFalco ()

ALSO - Today is the official release date of GIFT2021-1! You can learn more about it here: , and can download it for free on

Official Release of GIFT2021-1 is Here!!!

Added by Goldberg, Ben almost 4 years ago

The time has arrived...GIFT 2021-1 is available to public!!

Download GIFT 2021-1 directly here:

Free GIFT Account registration required to download GIFT; GIFT is available at no cost.

This release features:
- Improved TEAM tutoring, with multiple players, lobby system, and...
- New adaptive learning service API in support of Real-time Assessment configuration
- Improved human observer tool (Game Master) for training run-time and enhanced after-action reviews
- Integration with the desktop version of Unity
- New condition classes and scenario adaptation supports in synthetic game environments
- xAPI improvements and integration with the Competency and Skill System (CaSS)
- Interactive remediation supports now implemented
- And more!

GIFT Cloud updates will still be deployed regularly, so keep track of GIFT news items for announcements on new functionality.

For a full breakdown of all new functions and services, visit this link to the GIFT2021-1 release notes:

Team Tutoring Virtual Workshop Call for Papers - AIED 2021

Added by Sinatra, Anne almost 4 years ago

The GIFT team is hosting a half-day VIRTUAL workshop titled "Challenges and Advances in Team Tutoring" during the Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) 2021 Conference (the conference itself is ONLINE from Utrecht (The Netherlands).

We invite workshop paper submissions about the topic of Team Tutoring and Collaborative Learning.

The call for papers and submission information can be found at:

The goals of this VIRTUAL workshop include providing a forum for researchers to discuss the progress that they have made in team or collaborative tutoring, discuss the approaches that they have taken, the challenges that they have encountered, and/or present theoretical models on innovative methodologies to address future work on team or collaborative tutoring.

This workshop is expected to be of interest to those in academia, government, and industry who are developing tutoring experiences intended to include interaction between multiple learners. The expected outcomes of the workshop include an identification of team tutoring gaps/challenges in varying learning domains, approaches that have been successful or unsuccessful in meeting those challenges, and determining the next steps in approaches that AIED researchers can use for their own team tutor development.

The workshop will include a presentation of the accepted papers, followed by an open discussion about the challenges and current state of team tutoring. The discussion will conclude by addressing research gaps and future directions of team tutoring.

Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to a journal or conference.
Reviews and acceptances will be based on extended abstracts, which are 800 words.
Full papers are between 5 to 10 pages in Springer LNCS format.
Proceedings papers are planned to be published online at
Both empirical and theoretical papers with topics related to team tutoring and computer-based collaborative learning are welcome.

List of Topics of Interest
Team Tutoring
Lessons Learned from Developing Intelligent Team Tutoring Systems
Team Tutoring in Distributed Environments
Team Assessment Strategies and Approaches in an Intelligent Team Tutoring System
Collaborative Problem Solving and Learning
Theoretical models proposing innovative methodologies to address future work on team or collaborative tutoring
Discussion of steps forward in establishing team intelligent tutoring systems
Natural Language Processing for Team Tutoring
Distinguishing Taskwork vs. Teamwork
Scaffolding and Pedagogical Modeling for Team Tutoring
Team Tutoring in Distributed Environments
Data Strategies for Team Tutoring
Assessment Approaches and Ontologies ( e.g., automated scoring individuals to teams)
Modeling Team Affect
Modeling Team Behaviors and Group Problem Solving
Data Visualization for Team Tutoring
Working with Virtual Teammates
Related topics are also welcome

Important Dates
April 30, 2021: Extended Abstract submission (800 words)
May 11, 2021: Acceptance Notification
May 31, 2021: Camera Ready Paper Deadline (5 to 10 pages in Springer LNCS format)
June 14th or 15th, 2021: AIED 2021 Conference; Workshop is expected to be scheduled for June 14th or 15th

Easy Chair Call for Papers:
Easy Chair Submission Link:

If there are any questions, please contact the workshop co-chairs: Anne Sinatra (), Benjamin Goldberg () and Jeanine DeFalco ()

GIFTSym9 Deadline Extension

Added by Burmester, Elyse almost 4 years ago

We are happy to announce a Deadline Extension for GIFTSym9.

New Due Date: 24 March 2021

If you're doing innovative work in Adaptive Instructional Systems, we want to hear from you!

The full Call for Papers for GIFTSym9 can be viewed at:

You can submit your abstract using the EasyChair GIFTSym9 submission site at:

Please share this announcement with anyone you feel may be interested. We are looking forward to learning about all the great work being done.

----Original CFP----

GIFTSym9 is the ninth annual Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) Users Symposium. GIFTSym9 invites GIFT designers, developers and practitioners to submit technical papers about their ideas, experiences, and lessons-learned in using GIFT to author and evaluate Adaptive Instructional Systems (AIS).

GIFT is an open source, empirically-based, service-oriented framework of tools, methods and standards to make it easier to author computer-based tutoring systems (CBTS), deliver and manage instruction, and assess the effect of adaptive instruction, CBTS, components and methodologies. GIFT is being developed under the Adaptive Tutoring Research Science & Technology project at the Learning in Intelligent Tutoring Environments (LITE) Laboratory, part of the US Army Combat Capability Development Command – Soldier Center’s Simulation and Training Technology Center (CCDC-SC STTC).

Submission Guidelines

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:

•Full papers (5-10 pages using template) describing design, application, and/or science-based potential enhancements to GIFT.
•Short papers (3-4 pages using template) describing standards opportunities for AISs. This will form the basis for a separate session on the applicability of standards for AIS development.
•Demonstration (3-4 pages using template) showcasing mature use cases that highlight advancements in GIFT’s utility across performance assessments, pedagogical reasoning and coaching, data visualization, adaptive and intelligent training, and after action reviews.

Submission Schedule

Abstracts are required to be extended abstracts (minimum 800 words) covering the focus of your paper, results/conclusions and recommendations.

Abstract Submission Deadline - 24 March 2021
Acceptance Notification - 30 March 2021
Paper Submission Deadline - 06 May 2021
Presentation Submission Deadline – 21 May 2021
GIFTSym9 – 26-28 May 2021, Virtual

List of Topics
•AI and Machine Learning for AISs
•Collective and Team-Based Methods
•Measurement and Assessment
•Standards for Adaptive Instructional Systems (AISs)
•Authoring Tools
•Domain Modeling
•Individual Learner Modeling
•Instructional Management
•AIS Architecture and Ontology
•After Action Review (AAR)
•Competency Modeling
•AIS Dashboards and Visualizations
•Interoperability and Learning Ecosystems Future and Emerging Concepts

Program Committee
•Dr. Benjamin S. Goldberg (Program Chair)
•Dr. Anne M. Sinatra
•Dr. Keith Brawner
•Dr. Greg Goodwin
•Dr. Joan Johnston
•Dr. Jeanine DeFalco
•Ms. Elyse Burmester
•Mr. Michael Hoffman

GIFTSym9 proceedings will be published by U.S. Army Combat Capability Development Command - Solider Center (CCDC-SC)

The conference will be held virtually. More details will be shared as GIFTSym9 approaches.

All questions about submissions should be emailed to Dr. Goldberg at


Added by Burmester, Elyse about 4 years ago


GIFTSym9 is the ninth annual Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) Users Symposium. GIFTSym9 invites GIFT designers, developers and practitioners to submit technical papers about their ideas, experiences, and lessons-learned in using GIFT to author and evaluate Adaptive Instructional Systems (AIS).

GIFT is an open source, empirically-based, service-oriented framework of tools, methods and standards to make it easier to author computer-based tutoring systems (CBTS), deliver and manage instruction, and assess the effect of adaptive instruction, CBTS, components and methodologies. GIFT is being developed under the Adaptive Tutoring Research Science & Technology project at the Learning in Intelligent Tutoring Environments (LITE) Laboratory, part of the US Army Combat Capability Development Command – Soldier Center’s Simulation and Training Technology Center (CCDC-SC STTC).

Submission Guidelines

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:

•Full papers (5-10 pages using template) describing design, application, and/or science-based potential enhancements to GIFT.
•Short papers (3-4 pages using template) describing standards opportunities for AISs. This will form the basis for a separate session on the applicability of standards for AIS development.
•Demonstration (3-4 pages using template) showcasing mature use cases that highlight advancements in GIFT’s utility across performance assessments, pedagogical reasoning and coaching, data visualization, adaptive and intelligent training, and after action reviews.

Submission Schedule

Abstracts are required to be extended abstracts (minimum 800 words) covering the focus of your paper, results/conclusions and recommendations.

Abstract Submission Deadline - 14 March 2021
Acceptance Notification - 26 March 2021
Paper Submission Deadline - 06 May 2021
Presentation Submission Deadline – 21 May 2021
GIFTSym9 – 26-28 May 2021, Virtual

List of Topics
•AI and Machine Learning for AISs
•Collective and Team-Based Methods
•Measurement and Assessment
•Standards for Adaptive Instructional Systems (AISs)
•Authoring Tools
•Domain Modeling
•Individual Learner Modeling
•Instructional Management
•AIS Architecture and Ontology
•After Action Review (AAR)
•Competency Modeling
•AIS Dashboards and Visualizations
•Interoperability and Learning Ecosystems Future and Emerging Concepts

Program Committee
•Dr. Benjamin S. Goldberg (Program Chair)
•Dr. Anne M. Sinatra
•Dr. Keith Brawner
•Dr. Greg Goodwin
•Dr. Joan Johnston
•Dr. Jeanine DeFalco
•Ms. Elyse Burmester
•Mr. Michael Hoffman

GIFTSym9 proceedings will be published by U.S. Army Combat Capability Development Command - Solider Center (CCDC-SC)

The conference will be held virtually. More details will be shared as GIFTSym9 approaches.

All questions about submissions should be emailed to Dr. Goldberg at 

The full Call for Papers for GIFTSym9 can be viewed at:

You can submit your abstract using the EasyChair GIFTSym9 submission site at:

Testing GIFT News feed

Added by Hoffman, Michael about 4 years ago

The GIFT portal was having issues reaching you. Thank you for being apart of this test. Sorry for any inconvenience. Please standby for an announcement on the upcoming GIFT User Symposium.

Design Recommendations for ITSs Vol 8:Data Visualization

Added by Sinatra, Anne about 4 years ago

The Design Recommendations for Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Volume 8 – Data Visualization Book is now published and available for download! The book is free, and is available in the documents tab of or through this link:

This book on Data Visualization is the 8th in a planned series of books that examine key topics (e.g., learner modeling, instructional strategies, authoring, domain modeling, assessment, team tutoring, self-improving systems, data visualization, competency based scenario design) in intelligent tutoring system (ITS) design. This book focuses on data visualization. The discussion chapters in this book examine topics through the lens of the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT). GIFT is a modular, service-oriented architecture created to reduce the cost and skill required to author ITSs, distribute ITSs, manage instruction within ITSs, and evaluate the effect of ITS technologies on learning, performance, retention, transfer of skills, and other instructional outcomes.

Citation: Sinatra, A.M., Graesser, A.C., Hu, X., Goldberg, B., and Hampton, A.J. (Eds.). (2020). Design Recommendations for Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Volume 8 - Data Visualization. Orlando, FL: US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command - Soldier Center. ISBN 978-0-9977257-8-0. Available at:


Also available in: Atom