


Dependency Table 2024-1

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This document was created to help visualize the different dependencies between various GIFT components. This information depicts where dependent information couples two or more components and, more importantly, where independent dependencies allow for reuse between use cases.

For Reference:
“Training Application” – is an application that the learner uses to exercise a lesson in which performance can be assessed (e.g. VBS, PowerPoint).
“Scenario” – an example of a scenario can be a training application scenario (e.g. VBS scenario file(s)) or a just a file that has content (e.g. PowerPoint show).

Description Domain Training Application Scenario
Course (format) independent independent independent
Course (content) dependent dependent I dependent II
DKF (format) independent independent independent
DKF (content) dependent independent III dependent IV
Domain module independent independent independent
Domain model dependent independent dependent
Pedagogical module independent independent independent V
Gateway module (pre-lesson) independent independent independent
Gateway module (lesson) independent dependent independent
Learner module independent independent independent
I.             The course content is training application dependent because of the training application element that specifies 
               which interoperability interface in the gateway module to use to communication with the training application.

II.            The course content is scenario dependent in the same way the DKF content is scenario dependent because the course 
               specifies which Domain Knowledge File (DKF) to use to assess a training application instance.

III.           When using generic coordinate system (e.g. GCC) versus Training App. Specific (e.g. VBS AGL)

IV.            Although a training app scenario file is usually specific to that app, the content of a DKF can be used across 
               multiple training apps, as long as those apps are loaded with the appropriate scenario file (i.e. the actors 
               play in the same sandbox).  As an example, assessment rules for how long it should take to bandage a wound 
               apply to a wide variety of injury-based scenarios inside of a medical Training Application.

V.             Here “scenario” means the lesson.  In general, the instructional strategies should be less reliant on the type 
               of domain and more concerned with the learner state and other traits.