


2014_06_ICLS_Workshop “Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning: Preparing Individuals through Learning How to Learn”

User documentation

This symposium identifies current trends and future directions in research on metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) in educational technologies, and specifically, Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). Each paper will elaborate on detection and assessment of metacognition/SRL, forms of support and scaffolding, and self- and co-regulation processes and authoring of environments that support ITS. The symposium will conclude with discussions that describe the manner in which metacognitive development can be promoted through strategies that support individual differences in multiple contexts. The alternative perspectives presented in this session will help advance our understanding of support for metacognition and SRL in ITS, as well as identify gaps that will influence future research pursuits.


2014_06_ICLS_Goldberg and Sottilare.pdf (240 KB) Cruz, Deeja, 04/20/2016 05:23 PM [D/L : 1511]