


2018_06_AIED Conference_AIS Workshop_Brawner & Sottilare

User documentation

The core components of a tutoring systems appear to be widely agreed upon. As an example, Murray’s seminal review work from 1999 included the components of the student interface, domain model, teaching model, and student model [1]. Woolf’s 2011 review of ITS divides the space into models of student knowledge, domain knowledge, tutoring knowledge and the communication of knowledge [2]. VanLehn’s review work describing the behavior of tutoring systems mentions “that although tutoring systems differ widely in their task domains, user interfaces, software structures, knowledge bases, etc., their behaviors are in fact quite similar”, clearly viewed the world through a lens of finite modeling paradigms [3]. The author has worked significantly on the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) system, which includes models of a domain, pedagogical, learner, and external interface explicitly. It seems clear that each Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) must, at a minimum, include a model of the domain of instruction, a model of the learner that it is instructing, and a model of instruction to deliver. This paper discusses component-level standardization for data interchange as well as proposing that the base components are the one which have been widely agreed upon.

Citation: Brawner, K. & Sottilare, R. (2018, June). Proposing Module Level Interoperability for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In the Exploring Opportunities to Standardize Adaptive Instructional Systems (AIS) Workshop of the 19th International Conference of the Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) Conference, London, England, United Kingdom, June 2018.

Keywords: Standards, Interoperability, Adaptive Instruction, Intelligent Tutoring Systems


2018_06_AIED AIS Standards WS_Brawner & Sottilare.pdf (70.9 KB) Sottilare, Robert, 10/15/2018 08:45 PM [D/L : 1308]